A downloadable No Pain No Game for Windows


A normal day in a normal city, even boring to some people, but your are not "some people"! You're a masochist!

After a broadcast of a show you never saw before, you finally got yourself a purpose, something that links your love of pain and gain! A contest of pain  funny clips!

You have 3 minutes to get as much as possible! Be fast be funny and don't hold back on the pain!

Also, dying isn't part of the fun , so if you could not, that would be better for your heath.

How to play:

To play this game you need a controller, then, to see the controls, you can go into the "help menu".

The game is currently one level, there are lots of events that can damage you on this level, try to find a route that will give you lots of points and keep track of your healing items.

Tips and tricks:

Want to try to find some tricks to reach a high score? Well, there are multiple things that may sound obvious but are pretty handy to reach that goal: 

1. Use the skateboard, it makes you faster

2. Try to avoid small damage as much as possible

3. Keep as much healing as possible

4. Go see the criminals when you're fully "cool"

5. Try to take most damage from 4 damages.

That's all, use this wisely.

Disclamer : Don't try to recreate anything in this game


No Pain No Game.zip 170 MB

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